Meet My Shoes
It's Not About The Shoes, It's About The Journey
Welcome to Meet My Shoes

​Doubts are far spent, leave failure behind; This is where your journey begins.
Antoinette M.

I 1st came across to meet my shoes when I lived and a low-income community housing development I was doing OK I was praying and doing Bible study by myself thinking everything was OK that way then I met Mrs. Flo And she showed me things That were amazing Especially when it came to a meeting with the other women of God prayer and faith and works move you so far in life But without gathering with other saints We tend to miss out on bounds Of good energy and blessings even though are my journeys Seemed like it was stable we are still missing the Presents of a good church home Not only did I gain more spiritual growth But I also learned everyday skills to help me keep and maintain a job as well as how to relax my mind-body as a whole And I thank meet my shoes and Mrs. Flo for coming into my life.
Miss Eboney Adams.

Meet My Shoes WOW !
That name is exactly how it sounds ,Meet My shoes by miss flo was introduced to me in 2017 By a letter sent directly threw the county jail by mail written with a pen !!! Enclosed with a scripture that I had currently been studying proverbs 3:5-6 !!! I always tell her That it was an angel from above who guided her too me because she met me my shoes right where they were and at one of the lowest confusing most stressful times of my life ,miss flo has been nothing short of amazing always encouraging me to never give up keep the faith and no that GOD is the answer to all my needs,miss flo never forget about ones she met along their journey no matter if you loose contact with her or not her prayers are always with you forever and the love never changes,meet my shoes has helped me more than I can thank her Organization of I've been provided with furniture when I came home being I was a felony and knew the odds stacked against me I knew it would be difficult but because of meet my shoes I had no worries of falling short and she was 1 call away help was right at my door step from bedding for my children clothes on my back and so much more and on holidays she always gifts my family with lovely gifts food toiletries she's truly a blessing in my life .That's not even all times I wanted to go back to school and start my career she rooted for me all the way helping and guiding me she is so resourceful and loves her community so much ,She stands behind that name in ways I've never seen from people in our everyday lives I feel like everyone should know about her organization because of hers my life has changed drastically I really don't know where I'd be hadnt it been for miss flo who's always a call away ,e-mail ,no matter the time or day she's always there to help you and your family she really admire those who wants better because she know at first hand that's it's not easy because She TOO Has been on our same shoes I can go on and on about how my experience has been but Ill leave room for others I'm sure they share the same experiences it's very rare to run into an organization like this one and I'm so thankful to have been apart to tell my journey thanks for all you've done Miss Eboney Adams in her voice (miss Flo ) that's what she calls me and I LOVE IT